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Draconis does….. The Silver Bayonet

Draconis does….. The Silver Bayonet

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First Revenants

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3

29th September 2024

After a bit of an hiatus I am back at it, to some extent.

So, here are the four revenants that I have been working on…..

The build process was covered in previous posts. The basic painting of them followed the same process as for the living Brits. The main exception was regarding the skin tones. For these I used more of a leathery colour, then added some thinned washes of purple and green in places.

Then they had a dirty wash, followed by some minor highlights, addition of blood/gore, glowing eyes and suchlike.

To finish them off I stippled on some Agrellan Earth to represent dried mud and dirt, to hopefully better represent their ‘Revenant’ status.

First test piece for adding dried mudFirst test piece for adding dried mud
First Revenants
First Revenants
First Revenants
First Revenants

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draconislonkelo Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

They look fantastic! Is that just Agrellan Earth on the legs? Or did you also add some other colour around it? It looks like more than one tone to me. Just asking because I might be needing some dried mud effects soon for minis of my own…

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