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Deathguard army - dugthefug1644

Deathguard army - dugthefug1644

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Slow-grow campaign

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My friends at the Isleworth Wargaming Club (destroyed as a weekly event since Covid and venue issues) are finding a way to get us back playing again. A 40K 500pts starter league, building hopefully up to fuller games of 40K.

I hate list building. But the “New Recruit” website made it relatively painless to get started. I may be a boring opponent for some because I am unsure how deeply I am willing to delve into clever stratagems and special rules to get the best out of my minis.

Here is my starter 500pts list (based on what I have painted mostly)

495 pts
Epic Hero (80 pts) Typhus (1) (80 pts) Warlord
Rules: Nurgle’s Gift (Aura), Deep Strike, Leader, Spread the Sickness, Lethal Hits
Abilities: Leader[1], Invulnerable Save, The Destroyer Hive, The Eater Plague
Melee Weapons: Master-crafted manreaper – strike, Master-crafted manreaper – sweep

Character – Malignant Plaguecaster (1) (65 pts)
Rules: Leader, Nurgle’s Gift (Aura), Spread the Sickness, Lethal Hits, Pistol, Hazardous, Psychic, Torrent
Abilities: Gift of Contagion (Psychic), Pestilent Fallout (Psychic), Leader[2]
Melee Weapons: Corrupted staff
Ranged Weapons: Plague bolt pistol (x2) (x2), Plague Wind – witchfire, Plague Wind – focused witchfire
Character – Plague Surgeon (1) (50 pts)
Rules: Leader, Nurgle’s Gift (Aura), Spread the Sickness, Lethal Hits, Pistol
Abilities: Tainted Narthecium, Diseased Healing, Leader[3]
Melee Weapons: Balesword
Ranged Weapons: Plague bolt pistol (x2) (x2)

Battleline – Plague Marines (7) (125 pts)
• Plague Marine w/ blight launcher
• 4x Plague Marine w/ boltgun
• Plague Marine w/ special weapon: Plasma gun
• Plague Champion: Bubotic weapons, Plasma gun
Rules: Nurgle’s Gift (Aura), Spread the Sickness, Hazardous, Rapid Fire, Lethal Hits
Abilities: Remorseless
Ranged Weapons: Plasma gun – standard (x2) (x4), Plasma gun – supercharge (x2) (x4), Blight launcher,
Plague boltgun
Melee Weapons: Bubotic weapons, Plague knives (x3) (x9)

Infantry – Poxwalkers (x20) – (100 pts)
Rules: Feel No Pain 5+, Nurgle’s Gift (Aura), Spread the Sickness, Lethal Hits
Abilities: Curse of the Walking Pox
Melee Weapons: Improvised weapons
Dedicated Transport – Death Guard Rhino (1) – (75 pts)
Havoc launcher
Rules: Deadly Demise D3, Nurgle’s Gift (Aura), Firing Deck 2, Blast, Lethal Hits, Rapid Fire
Abilities: Self-repair
Transport: Death Guard Rhino
Melee Weapons: Armoured tracks
Ranged Weapons: Havoc launcher, Plague combi-bolter

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