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Cheap Dragons (and other analog adventures)

Cheap Dragons (and other analog adventures)

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Getting a head in the game (woof!): Oathmark Human Infantry Kitbashing

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 3

And so it came to pass that in the age of gaming abundance, the otherwise miserly gamer did take stock of their situation, and did realize upon this that they did not own enough plastic sprues.

For the many nameless background soldiers that were so often mercilessly devoured by dragons or other monsters were each lacking their own head, and thus were deemed “clone-y.” So the otherwise miserly gamer did hit up the sprue dealers, and buy several sprues with many heads for which to decorate the bodies of the Oathmark Humans. And in doing so they took great risk, for what if the heads would not fit the bodies deemed so worthy of sacrifice on the field of battle?  But with great bravery and even greater disregard for any historical cohesion he did find ways of attaching the heads, and in doing so gave some sense of individuality to the soldiers before they were to be brutally consumed in the righteous flames of dragon fire. And so there was another video. Enjoy!

The brave command group, featuring bits from (l to r): Frostgrave Soldiers 2, Fireforge Teutonic Infantry (Ni!), Oathmark Human Infantry with Fireforge Northmen hornThe brave command group, featuring bits from (l to r): Frostgrave Soldiers 2, Fireforge Teutonic Infantry (Ni!), Oathmark Human Infantry with Fireforge Northmen horn
Further brave warriors, featuring (l to r): Wargames Atlantic Dark Age Irish head and Fireforge Northmen arms, Frostgrave Wizards (ranger school dropout), Frostgrave Cultists, Fireforge Teutonic InfantryFurther brave warriors, featuring (l to r): Wargames Atlantic Dark Age Irish head and Fireforge Northmen arms, Frostgrave Wizards (ranger school dropout), Frostgrave Cultists, Fireforge Teutonic Infantry
Yet another bunch, featuring (l to r): Warlord Games Landsknechts head w/ Frostgrave Ghost Archipelago Crew arms, Wargames Atlantic Conquistadors head, another Landsknecht head, and another Fireforge Teutonic Infantry head Yet another bunch, featuring (l to r): Warlord Games Landsknechts head w/ Frostgrave Ghost Archipelago Crew arms, Wargames Atlantic Conquistadors head, another Landsknecht head, and another Fireforge Teutonic Infantry head
The whole gang, ready to be routed without much effort.The whole gang, ready to be routed without much effort.

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Cult of Games Member

Egad! There was a no neck Justin (aka @dignity) who got built up. On a separate note the greenstuff can be made to be more pliant/accommodating to sculpting with a little vegetable glycerin added and rolled around.

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