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Halflings of War

Halflings of War

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Battle #2 2300pts

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 0
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I played my second game with the army! In a race to get a fieldable army for the tournament, I have managed to get 2300pts together. Maybe not the most balanced list ever but good enough to try some things out!

Halflings Grower [2300 / 2300]

~ List Valid ~

Halflings [2300]

Stalwarts (Infantry) Regiment [130]

– Relentless [5]

– Two-handed Weapons [0]

– Hann’s Sanguinary Scripture [10]

Stalwarts (Infantry) Regiment [125]

– Relentless [5]

– Two-handed Weapons [0]

– Staying Stone [5]

Poachers (Infantry) Regiment [150]

– Relentless [5]

Juggers (Cavalry) Regiment [210]

– Relentless [5]

– Sir Jesse’s Boots of Striding [15]

Juggers (Cavalry) Regiment [215]

– Relentless [5]

– Blessing of the Gods [20]

Wild Lancers (Cavalry) Troop [100]

– Relentless [5]

Aeronauts* (Large Cavalry) Regiment [175]

Aeronauts* (Large Cavalry) Regiment [175]

Iron Beast (Titan) 1 [225]

– Pride of the Shires [15]

Sauceror (Hero (Heavy Infantry)) 1 [110]

– Halfling Hot Pot [10]

– Inspiring Talisman [20]

Sauceror (Hero (Cavalry)) 1 [130]

– Miniature Aralez [25]

– Shroud of the Saint [25]

– Heal (3)

Feast Master (Hero (Heavy Infantry)) 1 [105]

– Relentless [5]

– Gnome-Glass Shield [10]

Greedyguts [1] (Hero (Heavy Infantry)) 1 [115]

[F] Spearspikes (Wild Saucery) (Infantry) Regiment [105]

– Relentless [5]

[F] Wild Runners (Wild Saucery) (Cavalry) Troop [115]

– Relentless [5]

– Blackpowder Weapons [10]

[F] Wild Runners (Wild Saucery) (Cavalry) Troop [115]

– Relentless [5]

– Blackpowder Weapons [10]

I don’t have my brother’s list handy but it included three hordes of Shocktrrops, two regiments of Nightmares, Tunnel Runners, Mutant Ratfiend and Scud the demon rat prince thing.


So, it went poorly for my Halflings.

Obviously, as always when you take a battering, my dice rolled poorly.

Unfortunately, that was neither the start no end of it. When building this list I focused on getting the points up in time for that big tournament I am building towards. Now I need to make it into a good list!

Tactically I made a few gaffs, the first being putting too many ranged units on my right flank. I got carried away with keeping clear firing lines and forgot to put much melee over there.

I also put my inspiring units too close together in the centre where their auras overlapped. I should have moved something onto a flank.

Then, I advanced too quickly and gave up the opportunity to soften up the hordes of rats coming at me. At which point, I got hit with a freight train and units started to evaporate.

This has taught me the value of chaff units and has prompted me to put painting regiments of braves right up the priority list! I needed something to soak up a charge and give my heavy hitters the opportunity to engage. As it has buckets of dice overwhelmed my nerve values and stuff just broke before I got much chance to do anything of note.

It was an educational fight but a big loss to learn from!

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