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Denziens Empire of the Dead

Denziens Empire of the Dead

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The Discombobulated house

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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A couple of print failures gave me only half a house but because I printed the rooftops separately I can use them as little out houses and actually work well.A couple of print failures gave me only half a house but because I printed the rooftops separately I can use them as little out houses and actually work well.
This print went a bit wrong but I decided to embrace it. Maybe it's the home of some father insane character or it's warping in from another dimension. What ever the reason the neighbours stay well awayThis print went a bit wrong but I decided to embrace it. Maybe it's the home of some father insane character or it's warping in from another dimension. What ever the reason the neighbours stay well away

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Cult of Games Member

Fantastic work on your game terrain and figures @denzien

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