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To Boldly Go Where no Schlock Has Gone Before!

To Boldly Go Where no Schlock Has Gone Before!

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Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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The third faction I decided to add to the game are the Astroguards, the Astra Militarum of Star Shlock…

Skin – In order to create a variety of skin tones I used the following

  • Gulliman Flesh GW Contrast highlighted with GW Cadian Flesh Tone
  • Foundry Dark African Flesh Trio
  • Foundry North African Flesh trio
  • Foundry Oriental Flesh trio

Uniform – I used the game original scheme, to which I added a colored shoulder pad per squad to identify sq2uad members more easily’

  • Helmet and shoulder pads: White + Apothecary White + white drybrush. Helmets slits are highlighted with GW Contrast Frostheart
  • Vest and knee pads: GW Contrast Flesh Tearer Red highlighted by GW Evil Sun Scarlet
  • Shirt and pants: GW Contrast Ultramarine Blue highlighted with  GW Hoeth Blue
  • Officers are identified with an inversed V on the white shoulder pad.
  • One of the officers cape is painted GW Contrast Ultramarine Blue highlighted with  GW Ahriman Blue
  • Gloves and boots: GW Contrast Black Templar highlighted with whatever medium gray you have.
  • Straps and belt: GW Contrast Snakebite Leather

Guns are painted black and dry brush with Vallejo Oily Steel.

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