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Dan's 2024 Side Projects

Dan's 2024 Side Projects

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Alice in Creepyland

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Which white rabbit would you like to follow?


These models are a 3D print from a recent kickstarter.


The model was undercoated black and then given a zenith of grey.


The skin was painted rakarth flesh and then highlighted flayed one flesh and then pallid wych flesh.


The rabbit fir was painted celestra grey and then highlighted ulthuan grey and then white scar.


The blue apron was painted macragge blue and then highlighted altdorf guard blue and then calgar blue.


The red leotard and jacket were painted khorne red and then highlighted evil sunz scarlet and then wild rider red.


The watches were painted retributor armour and then highlighted auric armour gold.


The caterpillar was painted sotek green and then washed coelia greenshade.


The blond hair was painted averland sunset and then highlighted flash gitz yellow.


The black hair was simply washed nuln oil and the previous zenith did the rest.


The Cheshire cat was painted screamer pink and then highlighted pink horror and then emperor’s children.


The caterpillar’s mouth were painted screamer pink and then washed carroburg crimson.


The teeth and claws were painted ushabti bone and then washed seraphim sepia.


The bases were painted waaagh! flesh and then washed biel-tan green.


The mushrooms were painted genestealer purple.

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