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Recruiting Resurrectionists

Recruiting Resurrectionists

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As a way of spurring me on a friend have convinced me to enter Wyrds Halloween painting competition. Only problem is I’m crap. I’ve won a Golden Button but I’m all style and no talent.

So with that in mind I plan to play into, and paint Mcmorning in Black and white in a hommarge to the great MGM horror films

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Only thing is, I don’t know how to do it. So if anyone has any experience with this please let me know as I don’t know where to begin.

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Cult of Games Member

You have chosen the two of the most most difficult colours to paint. The secret, as I was taught, was not to paint white or black. The model just has to read as white and black. With white, start with a base of very light-grey like ‘Corvus White’, and highlight gradually with ivory white and final highlight points with pure (titanium) white. To shade, chose a light-medium grey and do the same but in the shadows. Highlight as a glaze for the best results – glaze medium is your friend. With black, you can start with a black-grey. You can… Read more »

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