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Feeling a nudge towards Sludge

Feeling a nudge towards Sludge

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Inspired beginnings

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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There once was a man, he was Dutch,

He had miniatures, oh! Way too much!

So, he put them online, but just for a time,

And kitbashed two armies for Sludge.

(The rhyme works best with a slight Dutch pronunciation of Sludge…)

Some time ago I saw that someone had used an ECW Epic battles sprue to make some Turnip13.5 minis. This idea apparently stuck with me. So when I was getting rid of stuff, I got inspired instead.

I started off with the following sprues:

  • Three Napoleonic sprues (French, Prussian, and British) for Waterloo Epic Battles
  • An ACW Epic Battles sprue, assembled and partially painted

To my shame, I went and bought even more WI sprues second hand through the interwebs:

  • One ECW cavalry sprue
  • One ECW Scotch infantry sprue
  • Another ACW infantry sprue
  • Another English Napoleonic cavalry sprue


The shame doth not end, for I’m actually expecting another set of sprues to come in via the post. I traded these for some of the miniatures I did get rid of via the Hobby Swap Shop in the Discord.

This should give me enough for most of the infantry, cavalry and cannon for two armies!

The Plan

So what is the plan? I checked the Sludge rules and found that a suggested size for a ‘standard and interesting’ game is 350 points per side. So I made the following army list to start with:


Commander – free
Bodygrd (2) – 20
Officer (2) – 40
Arcanist (2) – 20


Line infantry (5) – 50
Line infantry (5) – 50
Shock troops (5) – 25 (elite)
with Grenades – 5
Foot knights (5) – 50 (elite)
Jagers (5) – 25


Light cavalry (5) – 25
Lancers – 5


Field gun (1) 30


The idea is that this will be the basic list for both armies. I might swap the Arcanists for a Chaplain and the Lancers for Dragoons for the other army, just to make it a bit different, but let’s just get one army done first.

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