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The Final Push - Lawnor approaches 100% painted

The Final Push - Lawnor approaches 100% painted

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77MTG: KDM Terrain, Father & Son, Gladiator Brawler, and Leather Brawler

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Models remaining:
: 0, Normal: 5, 30mm Painters Pieces: 11 Luxury: 10, Modular: 54, Bits Box: 3, Terrain sets: 13, To Ship: ATO Wave 2, TSoH, KDM
Models Finished in Collection: 3046 Models since start of project: 732 out of 63 completed and still not done!

Having played another campaign of Kingdom Death, and having some time on my hands I thought I’d make some more terrain tiles for it.  I cut out some tiles from the back of an old wardrobe for all but the statue.  That tile was cut from a cork floor tile.  Turns out cutting a wardrobe back with a hand saw gives uneven edges, and the material doesn’t want to stick to blue tack while I’m painting it.  The edges are a little uneven and furry too.

Here are 8 Acanthus Herb patches, with the roll of acanthus being played by moss.  I found out the hard way that moss react exothermically to superglue.  Glue it with care and caution and only ever in small amounts.  There was smoke and some finger burning.  You have been warned.

Next up was some Tall Grass tiles.  I found an old hoover attachment I wasn’t convinced would look like grass so I made a test tile and was happy with the end result so I’m currently making the rest I’ll need.  The individual “tufts” were given a heavy ring of PVA before being cut from the attachment to help them hold together once removed.  it wasn’t perfect but it was better than nothing.  Do not think you can put a tuft down once it’s been harvested.  PVA was then applied to the tile and the underside of each tuft and it was held in place for a couple of minutes.  Supports were sometimes offered to stop them falling over.  Only one tuft was attached at a time, one a day, as I kept knocking them over.  Once 3 were on and dry, another ring of PVA was applied to help secure everything.  Then it was based as per normal, and airbrush base coated, then painted as normal.

The final piece is a Timeworn Statue, a terrain piece I unlocked by beating the Killennium Butcher Vignette for KDM.  It’s a failed 3D print, a random decorative base, and a piece of cork tile.

With the distracting terrain mostly out of the way, it’s on to the final model I want to start before deliveries arrive.  Kingdom Death released some stuff after GenCon and I’ve ordered 8 more models from them that are yet to arrive but could turn up any moment.  Wave 2 of Aeon Trespass is due to hit port early October and they’ve implied final mile shipping will start within a week.  I want to focus on getting that table ready ASAP so I’m avoiding any new big projects until that’s resolved.  If only deliveries would arrive to keep me going until then.

So that final model.  Father & Son is the final non-modular model I have from The Gamblers Chest from Kingdom Death.

After my recent KDM campaign there’s a few holes in my collection that need filling.  I’m waiting on the postman so it’s time to fill those gaps.

First up, is a Phoenix Armour fist fighter, converted from The Gladiator from Echoes of Death 2.  I ended up with a duplicate, so I swapped out her shield and weapon arm and now she’ll beat you to death with her bare hands, or her shield.  Both are valid options in the game.

Fist fighting was surprisingly awesome in my campaign, now I’ve unlocked the Armoured Fist fighting art so I’ve made a fist fighter for White Lion, Screaming Antelope, and Leather Armour kits.  The Leather is painted and I’m almost done on the White Lion brawler.  The goat kit can wait until a delivery arrives as there’s more goat armour in that box.

I think that’s this project finally back up to date.  Now I just need my deliveries to actually arrive (I got a good deal on a Godtear box too.  Fenra has been waiting to leave Zatu since last Thursday.  No idea why all my order from everyone refuse to dispatch), and some time at home to make more progress.

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