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The Final Push - Lawnor approaches 100% painted

The Final Push - Lawnor approaches 100% painted

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82MTG: Druid Mist Riders, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Sci-Fi Aya, and Nightmare Adam

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Models remaining:
: 0, Normal: 5, 30mm Painters Pieces: 11 Luxury: 10, Modular: 56, Bits Box: 3, Terrain sets: 13, To Ship: ATO Wave 2, TSoH, KDM
Models Finished in Collection: 3043 Models since start of project: 729 out of 63 completed and still not done!

Apparently I’ve not updated this in over a month.  I’ve been busy painting, but not had time to spare to type here.  So it’s time for a catch up.  Lets see.  Last thing left on that tray was the Druid Mist Riders for Circle Orboros for Warmachine.

82MTG: Druid Mist Riders, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Sci-Fi Aya, and Nightmare Adam

With the last of the Normal models in my house finished (Even now I’m still waiting for delivery on those ATO models I mentioned) it was time to raid the pile of Painter Pieces.  A while back I bought an Evangelion Gunpla kit and was surprised to find 2 50mm-ish humans inside.  I’ve got them painted and mounted them on MCP bases.  The plastic was a little rubbery and it reacted very badly to files and knives.  They are not very good models.  I do not recommend them.  Here’s Asuka Soraya Langley and her guardian, Ryoji Kaji from Neon Genesis Evangelion.  Despite using a light box, all my photos with my new camera appear to be coming out a little dark.  I’m going to have to start using an extra lamp.

Still no delivery so it was time for Sci-Fi Aya from Kingdom Death.  I decided to paint her based on Samus from Metroid, both in and out of her suit.  I suspect the colour scheme makes her look a little more like Bishop from the X-Men though.

I had a week off work and I was finally up to date with my painting so I threw myself in to my first playthrough of the People of the Star for Kingdom Death.  I beat it with only telling the dice I wasn’t listening to their unfair bullshit a few times, and some of them I remembered more rules that meant the bad luck wouldn’t have happened anyway.

With everything painted I was able to go to my display cupboard and extract a suitable model for almost every equipment build for the whole campaign, which was really rewarding.  I’ve since built a few models from the modular sprues to fill those gaps.  More on this later.

Here is every model I used while playing the campaign

82MTG: Druid Mist Riders, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Sci-Fi Aya, and Nightmare Adam

This all leaves me with just 2 non-modular models left from the gamblers Chest.  Here’s Nightmare Adam

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