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Draconis does….. The Silver Bayonet

Draconis does….. The Silver Bayonet

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Sapper conversion

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7
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16th September 2024

I decided that I wanted to convert a mini for a sapper. He obviously needed to have an axe, and an apron. However, amongst my many, many, many minis I just could not find an axe that was appropriate.

So, I went ahead and tried to knock one together. Think I may revisit it at some point in the future and modify the haft though.

Sapper conversion

I took a rifle holding arm and snipped out the rifle. Both hands were on the rifle piece, so I had to snip one hand free then fix it to the other arm. I didn’t have a drill bit small enough to go through the hands, so I instead heated up a pin (being held in small pliers) and applied it to the plastic. A couple of goes and I had made a neat small hole. Then I could put the paper clip handle and try fitting it.

I also tried to make a rough leather apron using some (too old) milliput.

Sapper conversion

Put the rest of him together, sprayed it up and got on with painting. He was painted in the same way as the other redcoats.

Adding some final highlights, and some ‘mystic symbols’ on to the apron, and he is done.

Sapper conversion
Sapper conversion

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