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2024 Painting Log

2024 Painting Log

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Thrawn and the gang

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 1
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I wanted to make sure Thrawn looked as good as I could make him look, so I saved him for after Princess Leia and the boys, thinking they would be good additional practice. I went for a warmer white, starting with Reaper’s Wolf Grey, drybrushing lighter, and then using a warm off-white in thinned down layers. The black boots and blue skin were done using Speedpaint.

Agent Kallus and the two ISB Agents were very easy by comparison, just black primer and drybrushed gunmetal for the armor. After Kallus was done I looked at a picture of him from Star Wars: Rebels and noticed that his shoulder pads aren’t metallic armor, and his tunic has a wide lighter grey stripe down the front. It was easy enough to correct.

2024 models painted so far: 167, for 5 different games

I just have the main Rebels crew still to do, then I’ll be done with Shatterpoint for a while. Next up I’ve got some 7TV and Gangs of Rome stuff to do, and eventually I’ll get back to Mythic Battles: Ragnarök — I would really like to finish that up before the end of the year.

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