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2024 Painting Log

2024 Painting Log

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This is some rescue

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 1
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Some time ago I posted on a wishlist forum for Shatterpoint that I wanted to see a set of the four main characters escaping from the Death Star in the original film. While I don’t imagine that my post influenced Atomic Mass’s decision to make this squad pack, I’m still happy they did. I’ve had a lot of practice painting white armor so this one was a breeze to do.

I started with grey primer, then a base coat in a slightly lighter, cooler grey, then drybrushed up through light grey to white. I used speedpaints for the skin, hair, weapons, and the dark areas between the armor plates.

For Chewbacca I started with black primer and drybrushed brown, occasionally course-correcting with brown speedpaints and washes. If you look at photos of Chewbacca he’s not a uniform brown color, he’s got patches of dark grey across his torso and shoulders. I’m not sure if I quite managed that, but I like the way he looks so we’ll call it good.

2024 models painted so far: 163, for 5 different games

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