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Everyone remembers their first Conquest!

Everyone remembers their first Conquest!

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Order of the Sealed Temple

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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After a summer break it’s back to the painting table. I just need one more unit to finish off my 1500 point Hundred Kingdoms cavalry list. Let’s go!After a summer break it’s back to the painting table. I just need one more unit to finish off my 1500 point Hundred Kingdoms cavalry list. Let’s go!

Before I go any further I wanted to define the white on the cloth so it’s a drybrush with a layer of Stone Golem first and then white

Trusty Brainmatter Biege drybrush followed by a 3–1 medium, dark tone washTrusty Brainmatter Biege drybrush followed by a 3–1 medium, dark tone wash
Order of the Sealed Temple
Next up, the riders!Next up, the riders!
I painted the knights in the same way as the horses so no need to add a load more pics, here’s the finished unit along with the Priory CommanderI painted the knights in the same way as the horses so no need to add a load more pics, here’s the finished unit along with the Priory Commander

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