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Last Roman Saga

Last Roman Saga

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Levy conversion fellas

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Though perhaps just having them throwing spears in the pose would make more sense as javelin levy, but as I am deliberately adding these as an option to a warrior unit the dramatic poses stand out. Once added to the warrior unit they can remain the longest as they take casualties and represent the levy status of the unit until the end.Though perhaps just having them throwing spears in the pose would make more sense as javelin levy, but as I am deliberately adding these as an option to a warrior unit the dramatic poses stand out. Once added to the warrior unit they can remain the longest as they take casualties and represent the levy status of the unit until the end.
Once mixed in with the warriors I think it will be obvious what the intention was and not confuse or upset an opponent.Once mixed in with the warriors I think it will be obvious what the intention was and not confuse or upset an opponent.

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