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Napoleon in Egypt - Expédition Baïonnette en Argent

Napoleon in Egypt - Expédition Baïonnette en Argent

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French Command Group

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4

A few more Frenchmen all painted up. These chaps come from the 85eme demi brigade. At this point I’ve got substantially more than the 8 figures required for a Silver Bayonet unit, but choices are very important (that’s my excuse anyway), and there’s another officer/junior officer plus a sappuer here.

All figures are from Brigade Games again, flag is from GMB Designs.

French Command Group
French Command Group
Flag by GMB Designs - the Revolutionary era flag makes a nice change from the later Napoleonic Imperial French ones.Flag by GMB Designs - the Revolutionary era flag makes a nice change from the later Napoleonic Imperial French ones.
French Command Group

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