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Cheap Dragons (and other analog adventures)

Cheap Dragons (and other analog adventures)

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Cheap (toy) dragon as RPG/Warhammer miniature

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2

A trip to the dollar store a few years ago yielded a $10 bag of dragon toys. After languishing on the shelf for some time, they came out of the bag and I made a video about converting one of them into a miniature for Warhammer or the like. That video then languished in digital purgatory for some time before finally getting published, and now making it’s way here for (hopefully) your enjoyment.

Thanks for checking it out!


This is not my good side.This is not my good side.
A little better...A little better...
There it is. Bye!There it is. Bye!

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Cult of Games Member

Viewing with the 2 and 4 year olds sorted for tonight. Keep ‘em coming!

Cult of Games Member

Trick questions are the best questions. It is the only way to confuse a dragon for a moment and get away

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