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Last Roman Saga

Last Roman Saga

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I still haven't researched how these fit into the list composition properly in Saga for 2nd edition.I still haven't researched how these fit into the list composition properly in Saga for 2nd edition.
The transfers are great from Little Big Man. Couldn't have free handed the standard. Something to attempt another day.The transfers are great from Little Big Man. Couldn't have free handed the standard. Something to attempt another day.
Lloyd shot. The purple isn't used elsewhere in the force. I think purple has always been a regal special colour and in the Dark Age was a relatively expensive dye. Seems like an appropriate colour to use.Lloyd shot. The purple isn't used elsewhere in the force. I think purple has always been a regal special colour and in the Dark Age was a relatively expensive dye. Seems like an appropriate colour to use.

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