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Draconis does….. The Silver Bayonet

Draconis does….. The Silver Bayonet

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Riflemen Finished

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7
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8th September 2024

Another disrupted period, but I did manage to finish four riflemen today. I had built more, but have just been working on four of them for now.

I went with the Bronze green for the jackets, but went for a mix of colours on the trousers (after checking pictures of Sharpe’s Chosen men).

Riflemen Finished

These chaps still had quite a few straps, pouches etc for me to work on, hurrah 😊

As often is the case, I just wasn’t ‘feeling’ them for quite some time. So I added some flock and grass to the base, and that lifted their colour a bit.

Then lots of little finishing bits, piping around collars, epaulettes, rough highlights on pouches and such, and four more chaps were done….

Riflemen Finished
Riflemen Finished

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