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From the Vaulted Realm of Pluto

From the Vaulted Realm of Pluto

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Not just showing but telling as well

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8
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So as I’ve just watched the XLBS for the week I have been pleasantly surprised to see the Harryhausen Greek project featured. I agree to the idea pointed out of “The Hunt” which has gone on in building this army. Starting from initial seed concept and cultivating the development as it grows is a curious business like bonsai. Going back and forth with pruning the notions can be tricky as it can be a really good idea that you shut down in the effort to try and fence in your efforts.

That being said I’ve come up with jumping onto the Shadowforge figures carried by Eureka out of Australia. Nic at the shop has been quite helpful for this project and I’m sure anyone tossing him an order would be well received and taken care of.

My thoughts to mull over recently has been more monsters. In the Arabian Knights there are all sorts of fantastic things to see (truth be told I found a few more I might add) so this army needs just the same. I do this as my brain cannot wrap itself around a war machine to put in. Pulling out what I can from the film I might just hammer in some things from Clash of the Titans as well.

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Cult of Games Member

That’s some fabulous looking painted up figures for the game table’s @horati0nosebl0wer congratulations on your gold button for them đź‘Ť

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