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BigGrim Does Boarding Actions!

BigGrim Does Boarding Actions!

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Green is gettin' close!

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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My green set of terrain is getting very close to completion. This evening, I have put a gentle drybrush of Pro Acryl Bold Titanium onto the energy coils.

I followed this with two thin coats of Word Bearers Red on some of the monitors and screens and three thin coats of Grey Seer on the other half. All have been given a coat of ‘Ardcoat. My plan is to use white Mighty Brush screen decals on the red screens, as before. This time, I intend on using the Black decals on the Grey Seer ones. see if they work with a Talassar Blue coat over the grey seer.

Finally, I received a Golden Button from the OTT crew and a fantastic wee write up! I’m incredibly grateful for the attention it’s brought the PLog and everyone’s upvotes have been wonderful to see. Thank you!

I created this mostly so anyone interested in the Boarding Actions game mode could see that while a lot of work is needed for this set, the results are (hopefully) worth it. I hope to have the PLogs QR code on display at the Pop Shop so that it can help their customers see how to get the best, at least as far as the prep work is concerned (I’d an average painter.), out of this set. If it has entertained and inspired you, then job done, I reckon!

Still, there’s more to come! I hope you’ll stick around and enjoy! 🙂

Green is gettin' close!

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