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Painting Marvel Crisis Protocol With 144Artist

Painting Marvel Crisis Protocol With 144Artist

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Played a Little More MCP Sunday Night of the Convention.

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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The last evening of the con found several people wanting g to learn the game.  Each person picked a character/mini they liked and got the appropriate character card.  There were enough of them make a side so I set up the X-Men for myself and any stragglers that showed up after we started.  It was just an excuse to try put different powers and show folks the basics.  Being the last game on Sunday meant folks were tired and not thinking too clearly but we did get in two full turns with characters going down on both sides.  I think next time I will set up two teams and divide each in half so the beginners can play doubles.

I have come to the conclusion that I need 2-4 of the MCP Apartment buildings but can’t pay the retail price. So I have a new quest- Find MCP terrain at a good price.

Same terrain tiles so similar set upSame terrain tiles so similar set up
Got to field some of my painted X-Men.Got to field some of my painted X-Men.
Big cluster formed in the middle with Warmachine ending up Dazed and Iceman close to it.Big cluster formed in the middle with Warmachine ending up Dazed and Iceman close to it.
Captain Marvel took out Wolverine by dropping a garbage truck on him. Ouch.  Only later did I realize Colossus has a power for protecting team mates.  Well, that's how you learn the game.Captain Marvel took out Wolverine by dropping a garbage truck on him. Ouch. Only later did I realize Colossus has a power for protecting team mates. Well, that's how you learn the game.
Colossus did avenge his friend, however, Knocking Out Captain Marvel AND claiming the objective she dropped.  Then he and Emma Frost started slugging it out.Colossus did avenge his friend, however, Knocking Out Captain Marvel AND claiming the objective she dropped. Then he and Emma Frost started slugging it out.

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