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Farewell Ye Olde Vikings!

Farewell Ye Olde Vikings!

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Finishing The Base

Tutoring 10
Skill 12
Idea 12

Hi everyone,

The base is finally done.  I painted the sea in oils.  This gives me ample time to blend and get it as good as I can.  I always use opaque colours when blending because it is easier.

To add sheen to the ocean, I gave it several coats of Mod Podge with a brush.

I also added a backdrop.  This is sort of my signature, so I went ahead and did it. After I painted the surrounding in black.

When everything had dried, I added some white-water effects by mixing artificial snow with gel medium. Then I placed the mixture on the top of the wave crests and under the ship.

The sea base has been painted up with oils, giving me all the time I need to get it right.The sea base has been painted up with oils, giving me all the time I need to get it right.
I added artificial snow mixed with gel medium for the white water crests. I added artificial snow mixed with gel medium for the white water crests.
Finishing The Base
Finishing The Base

Next up will be the protagonists of the show – the Vikings themselves.  I will start painting up the first five, because they need no converting or modifying.  The following five need minor adjustments.  SO I will leave them for after.

That is all for now. Until next time stay safe and have fun.


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nightrunnerJill Gorram Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Stunning work so far. The backdrop is a lovely touch, where do you get the image from?

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