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Last Roman Saga

Last Roman Saga

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Unit of warriors

Tutoring 5
Skill 7
Idea 8
Knocked out 7 miniatures to complete the Point of warriors.Knocked out 7 miniatures to complete the Point of warriors.
Enjoyed these. I used a combination of Deathguard Green, Camo Green Contrast, Corvus Black, orruk flesh, warpstone glow and Loren Forest Green on the clothes. The trim was varied between Jokaero orange and mephiston red.Enjoyed these. I used a combination of Deathguard Green, Camo Green Contrast, Corvus Black, orruk flesh, warpstone glow and Loren Forest Green on the clothes. The trim was varied between Jokaero orange and mephiston red.

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And the men cried out “Salve Fugulus Maximus” when you were done. A well done unit. Seeing them painted up makes me wonder about the possiblity of doing some Byzantine lamelar units myself.

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