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The Empire Responds to the invasion of the Uruk Hai

The Empire Responds to the invasion of the Uruk Hai

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The extra cavalry

Tutoring 1
Skill 5
Idea 4
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A simple conversion of new shields and a good scalping of the helmets to swap for the numenorian style helm and these chappies are good to go. Will much around with colour schemes a bit to help them fit but this is they. There is a unit of 24 here and another unit of 24 on the way.A simple conversion of new shields and a good scalping of the helmets to swap for the numenorian style helm and these chappies are good to go. Will much around with colour schemes a bit to help them fit but this is they. There is a unit of 24 here and another unit of 24 on the way.
Adding pennants to the chariots has made me feel way happier with the aesthetic and I’m now less worried by far that they won’t fit in. Amazing what a flag can do. ?Adding pennants to the chariots has made me feel way happier with the aesthetic and I’m now less worried by far that they won’t fit in. Amazing what a flag can do. ?

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