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Last Roman Saga

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Prep for the warrior units

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Transfers and basingTransfers and basing

I primed these models a while ago, painted up my first model with the transfer, took the picture and shared it.

I am happy with the result, but the more I looked at the stark profile of the thick puddle base they were placed on the base with, the more it looks just slightly off. I dropped a good covering of my brown flock to try and hide the step, but didn’t pack it in the join to any degree. I might have been able to just add more basing flock to disguise the change in height but I chose to tackle it with some ready made repair filler / plaster instead.

Not looking for perfection with the  plaster. Just enough so the miniature looked like he chose a slight rise / solid ground to stand on, not so starkly a plastic mini, on a thick puddle base stood on a 2mm plastic 25mm base.

My friend assembled these minis and picked some fun poses. This is their first non-GW historical game in some time, or perhaps ever, so cutting off puddle bases, (without risking cutting the feet off or deforming them) was not on his radar. Even though I have a lot of non-GW projects under my belt I still find removing models from the puddle bases a bit of a risky task. The slotter base and the hexagonal peg and hole on the base designs of GW bases are certainly a neat solution and avoid the extra steps I am taking to make the model feel in situ.

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Cult of Games Member

Building better bases ftw! ?

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