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Painting Marvel Crisis Protocol With 144Artist

Painting Marvel Crisis Protocol With 144Artist

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I've Played a Full Game of Marvel Crisis Protocol!

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Met up with old and new friends at PacifiCon Game Convention in Santa Clara, California this weekend.  A couple of us were eager to play MCP and one of my friends knows how so tutored two of us in a starer game.  As some may have noticed, I have collected and completed a few characters and terrain as well as terrain tiles so I had plenty to kit us both out and set up a pretty table.  The “GM” picked a couple Objective cards for us and we each built a team worth 17 Threat Level.  I just picked minis I loved painting and was eager to get on the table.  It just worked out that every one of them was in the Avengers Affiliation.  My opponent chose all Brotherhood characters so we had two thematic teams.

Our battlefield was a construction site.  We were fighting over control of the Extremis Points (Blue) and the pieces of the Cosmic Cube (Red).Our battlefield was a construction site. We were fighting over control of the Extremis Points (Blue) and the pieces of the Cosmic Cube (Red).
Here's my team which actually gave me two leaders to choose from, either Sam or Steve's Captain America.  Steve's leadership make the first superpower you use each turn cost one less which seemed easy enough o use and remember so  Steve Rogers-Captain America was my leaderHere's my team which actually gave me two leaders to choose from, either Sam or Steve's Captain America. Steve's leadership make the first superpower you use each turn cost one less which seemed easy enough o use and remember so Steve Rogers-Captain America was my leader
Magneto was the only choice my opponent had for leader but he is a 6 Threat (not many of those in the game) so why would you want anyone else?Magneto was the only choice my opponent had for leader but he is a 6 Threat (not many of those in the game) so why would you want anyone else?
My left flank was Iron Man supported by Sam who flew across to help contest the Etremis Objective on that side. Black Panther headed to the first cube piece before moving to control the closer Extremis ObjectiveMy left flank was Iron Man supported by Sam who flew across to help contest the Etremis Objective on that side. Black Panther headed to the first cube piece before moving to control the closer Extremis Objective
Steve and Quicksilver were on the right flank hoping to deal with Magneto (he is scary).Steve and Quicksilver were on the right flank hoping to deal with Magneto (he is scary).
Steve grabbed a Cosmic Cube fragment and moved toward the Extremis Objective on the right flank that Quicksilver was able to move all the way to to gain control.Steve grabbed a Cosmic Cube fragment and moved toward the Extremis Objective on the right flank that Quicksilver was able to move all the way to to gain control.
Toad advanced toward the Extremis Objective.  Iron Man was able to get closer and blast him but not off the roof.Toad advanced toward the Extremis Objective. Iron Man was able to get closer and blast him but not off the roof.
Sam flew into help contest the objective but Juggernaut was right there and looking angry. Sam flew into help contest the objective but Juggernaut was right there and looking angry.
WHAM! The Unstoppable Juggernaught crashes into Sam, completely dazing the flying hero in one massive hit.  WHAM! The Unstoppable Juggernaught crashes into Sam, completely dazing the flying hero in one massive hit.
Magneto was hurling terrain at Steve who was one point from being dazed.  The original Avenger returned the favor on turn three with his shield throw.Magneto was hurling terrain at Steve who was one point from being dazed. The original Avenger returned the favor on turn three with his shield throw.
At the end of Turn Four, I had two characters 1-2 points from Dead and the other three were 1-3 points from being dazed.  I was able to move Steve onto the objective Quicksilver had scored in the previous round while the speedster was able to grab a cube AND reach the fourth and uncontested objective. Magneto blasted the heck out of him but between my re-rolls and his poor attack rolls meant Pietro Maximoff had one wound left at the time of scoring.  As he was the only character on the Extremis he scored that. He was also carrying a Cosmic Cube fragment scoring the winning point.  The Cube then caused him to lose one wound (as they do at the end of the scoring) which was his final wound.  Quicksilver was killed by the power cosmic but secured a victory in my first ever MCP  game. At the end of Turn Four, I had two characters 1-2 points from Dead and the other three were 1-3 points from being dazed. I was able to move Steve onto the objective Quicksilver had scored in the previous round while the speedster was able to grab a cube AND reach the fourth and uncontested objective. Magneto blasted the heck out of him but between my re-rolls and his poor attack rolls meant Pietro Maximoff had one wound left at the time of scoring. As he was the only character on the Extremis he scored that. He was also carrying a Cosmic Cube fragment scoring the winning point. The Cube then caused him to lose one wound (as they do at the end of the scoring) which was his final wound. Quicksilver was killed by the power cosmic but secured a victory in my first ever MCP game.

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