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The Empire Responds to the invasion of the Uruk Hai

The Empire Responds to the invasion of the Uruk Hai

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An explanation

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 5
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When I make armies it is an exploration of the instinct. I instinctually feel my way through what miniatures I want in the army. What theme do I want? What monsters and machines? Then I can decide what base troop units I want to make the army look and feel good on the table. I’m talking aesthetically and visually good. I could not care less how they play, I can figure that out when I’m playing! Adjust tactics, use differently etc.

But how it looks is key. And that is pure gut instinct in the making.

My gut is currently telling me that I do not want any more foot troops. But I do need some more cavalry, a bunch of light cavalry. I will make some Roders of Rohan into Numenorian light cavalry. Probably two large units or 3 medium size units. I will also make 2 numenor scorpian bolt throwers to go with the crew I made a couple years back. And a large Roman ballista will look lovely with Numenor crew.

My gut also says a second elf bolt thrower is required, and the elf chariots need pennants flying.

Lastly I think I need an elf riding a Griffin. I think I will explore the high elf griffin model from the island of blood warhammer set and  see if I can make it work with some Lord of the rings elf rider.

Maybe I will have a small unit of lothlorian elves at helms deep that I will use as shadow warriors in warhammer games. All these Lord of the rings will do double service as a last alliance version of the high elves army lists in warhammer fantasy. So that central block is 75 sword masters of Hoeth, not bad! That unit of spears and bows mixed together will be some lothern sea elves city guard.

I’ve made so many minis lately because it’s been so hot I didn’t even want to bother painting. But it’s cooling down now……and I am bored of making models. I’ve got another Uruk hai battalion to paint. Yes, I bought more.

Well they came up bloody cheap on a discord group! You would have too!!!

An army of undead to paint.

And now this army of last alliance.

Of course there is also all those empire to do……………

I’ve also included a useless wandering wizard who, like rincewind, travels from game to game making Cockups and then dimensionally jumping to our next game for another tale of woe. Next to him is a converted familiar that I made from my free model given to me at BOYL this year! It’s Bryan Ansells head on a snake neck holding the citadel (yes the actual citadel logo of GW legend!) on a platter.

The main body was converted into an elf mage.

I don’t know why I did this, probably a heinous crime. But the cosmos told me to sit and do it.

You should always go with your gut.

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