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2024 Painting Log

2024 Painting Log

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Finally, the Mandalorian

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You can hear that meandering theme tune now, can’t you? I like The Mandalorian, it’s like watching two kids play with their Star Wars action figures in the sandbox. Which should make it perfect for a skirmish game, especially Shatterpoint which doesn’t get too hung up on details like what era we’re in…

Finally, the Mandalorian

These all went very quickly. Most of the characters are a single color with a few accents, so my usual technique of starting with a single color drybrushed over black primer worked very well. Assembly was pretty easy except for Moff Gideon’s Dark Troopers. Sometimes I swear Atomic Mass is just messing with us, there is no way the models need to come in this many separate pieces…

I’m happy to have these done, they’ve been parked on the shelf of opportunity for a long time. Now to get a game in…

2024 models painted so far: 155, for 5 different games

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