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2024 Painting Log

2024 Painting Log

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Luke and the gang

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Out of these four, Boushh and Lando were the most satisfying to paint. Luke in his all-black outfit just wasn’t all that interesting, and Artoo was pretty difficult — for some reason I got really hung up on the blue stripy bits on his front.

For Boushh and Lando I started with black primer, then drybrushed in brown, then basecoated the lighter colors (Lando’s pants, Boushh’s tunic and boots) and the smaller details like belts and weapons. Then hit them both with an Army Painter strong tone wash, followed by drybrushing with Reaper Yellowed Bone for highlights.

Luke was even simpler, with black primer, dark grey drybrush, and then filling in the lighter colors on his head and lightsaber. I tried painting in some lighter grey highlights but it didn’t look very good so I dulled them down with a Dark Tone wash.

Artoo was done more or less the same way as the Stormtroopers and Clone Troopers from the previous post: light grey primer, a slightly darker grey wash (made using Reaper’s wash medium, which is pretty good for making their paints into washes), then white drybrushing and filling in the details on his dome, chest and feet. The serving tray was gold and silver followed by a Strong Tone wash.

I am somewhat tempted to pick up a second copy of this pack. Not because I relish the idea of painting Artoo again, but because all four characters have alternate options. Luke can be with or without the sort of tunic-vest he wears at the beginning of Return of the Jedi (I didn’t realize this until I was halfway through assembling him), Lando and Leia have no-helmet options which I think might be interesting, and Artoo has an option to skip the serving tray and add his third leg and tilted body for when he’s moving at speed. Maybe if I find a discounted copy…

2024 models painted so far: 148, for 5 different games

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