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The Bronzecast Ogrions & the Normalites of Vanillashire.

The Bronzecast Ogrions & the Normalites of Vanillashire.

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A Purpose for Perry Plastics - Normalite LIght Cavalry - Second unit

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4

Hi everyone,

The second unit of Normalite LIght Cavalry (proxies for Red Goblin Scouts) is now ready for play.

They were painted up like the previous unit, that is the rider in acrylics and the horses in oils.

Now I just need to field them and put them to the test… or at least to good use!

Proxies for Red Goblin ScoutsProxies for Red Goblin Scouts
A Purpose for Perry Plastics - Normalite  LIght Cavalry - Second unit
Used as Troop choices.Used as Troop choices.
Used as a Regiment choice.Used as a Regiment choice.

For the next post maybe I will start working on something bigger!  Until then stay safe and have fun.


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