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Conan Adventures

Conan Adventures

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Conan - Bringing Childhood Adventures To Life

Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 5
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My consistent love of Conan came from this…

That theme song has been in my head since I was a kid. I loved the sword and sorcery of Conan and the image of the archetypal barbarian has always been in my mind ever since.

I have always floated in and out of diving deep into Conan, from the Monolith board game to trying out the roleplaying games. It was only when the Barbaria Kickstarter by Red Box Games came out that I decided that I would dive into the wargaming side of things.

I loved painting the miniature for “Conan” and immediately was drawn into how I could use him in some games on the tabletop.

What turned out to be great was that Wiley Games’ Fistful Of Lead (and reloaded) is an awesome set of rules for quick and easy gaming regardless of the time period or genre.

There are even rules in the book for “Conan’s magical sword” and some seriously brutal combat. That seemed to fit the cinematic quality of Conan and was stupidly easy to learn as a set of rules.

So, that has become the basis of this new adventure into Hyborea. One miniature and a cartoon pushing me into a little mini project!

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