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Painting Marvel Crisis Protocol With 144Artist

Painting Marvel Crisis Protocol With 144Artist

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From Out of the Shadows...

Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 5

…Comes the Shadow King.  For a character that began as a one shot villain in a flashback issue to illuminate some of Professor Xavier’s early history this guy is scary.  A malignant being of psychic force that takes over the minds of lesser beings. Yikes.  Obviously I have no idea of what he does in the game but he is super cool model, basically two in one, that was fun to paint.  I can’t ask for much more from a hobby.

From Out of the Shadows...
From Out of the Shadows...
From Out of the Shadows...
From Out of the Shadows...
From Out of the Shadows...
From Out of the Shadows...
From Out of the Shadows...
Two unpleasant faces.Two unpleasant faces.

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Cult of Games Member

How did you paint the Shadow King?

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