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Elmir paints BattleTech

Elmir paints BattleTech

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With the final lance done, the Alpha Strike box has been finished! The Atlas, Warhammer, Locust and Phoenix Hawk.

Tutoring 3
Skill 6
Idea 5
With the final lance done, the Alpha Strike box has been finished! The Atlas, Warhammer, Locust and Phoenix Hawk.
With the final lance done, the Alpha Strike box has been finished! The Atlas, Warhammer, Locust and Phoenix Hawk.
With the final lance done, the Alpha Strike box has been finished! The Atlas, Warhammer, Locust and Phoenix Hawk.
With the final lance done, the Alpha Strike box has been finished! The Atlas, Warhammer, Locust and Phoenix Hawk.

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sundancerhorati0nosebl0wer Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Always an awe inspiring set of photos. Good stuff to see and remind myself there are reasons to keep working on painting.

Cult of Games Member

Needs more Urbies!

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