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Nurgle, Nurgle, quite horrid purple, how does your Garden grow?

Nurgle, Nurgle, quite horrid purple, how does your Garden grow?

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24 Aug 24: These Four Done

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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24 Aug 24: These Four Done
24 Aug 24: These Four Done
3rd big guy, brings his own garden3rd big guy, brings his own garden
Leader of the unit, he really wants to show off his orb of snot.  Leader of the unit, he really wants to show off his orb of snot.

With these four done, I’m down to four minis remaining for this project. Two more lords in Terminator armour, a Bloat Drone and the tank! I’m going to take a short break to shake things up, then push on.

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