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BigGrim Does Boarding Actions!

BigGrim Does Boarding Actions!

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More Nazdreg!

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5

Got to the stage of getting Nazdreg Yellow on the silver to break things up. It worked a treat, as usual, in my opinion.

Having returned to this set after doing the Pop Shops set, I’ve seen that I was considerably more regimented with putting the walls together in identical rows. I was so much more slapdash on my set. There’s no matches here at all. It does not particularly matter but I feel that it allowed me to ensure that no two walls were the same with colour placement. Something to remember for the third set I’ll eventually have to do.

I also wanna point out that one the green set, I first tried sanding with a corded Dremel. Even at it’s lowest speed setting, it spun fast enough to melt the plastic, resulting in scraping with knife and sanding with emery boards. It simply resulted in more work. For the third set (and for trying to fix my buddy BA Commanders set), I intend on buying a reciprocating pen sander by DSPIAE. When I get one and try it, I’ll post about it here. 😉

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biggrimzorg Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Fantastic work on the terrain great tip for people the mail sanding strips I use the (30ish?) a pack for poundshop one’s also make-up brushes set’s at a pound each way better than cheap? 5/6£ one’s in most stores @biggrim??

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