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Draconis does….. The Silver Bayonet

Draconis does….. The Silver Bayonet

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Redcoats update

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8

22nd August 2024

Well, I haven’t been able to get much hobby time in since the last update due to work, and some central heating work being done at home – so I thought that I should post a new update. I have been working on five more infantry, the junior officer and the artillerist (a bit). Plus poking around a bit with ‘Richmond S Harpe’.

One infantryman was worked on more so at the start, to try to refine my steps and process from the first test model.

Chap number 2 joins the first Chap number 2 joins the first

I must say that I am still finding the straps and bags a little frustrating, but have worked it out a little better now. When I get to those I used a slightly thinned Black Templar contrast to try to make a better edge to them, then overpaint in white, give a wash, and highlight again. Sometimes the highlight covers too much, but overall they still give the correct impression at play distance.

Redcoats update

Near the end of the process I decided to change the colour of the collar and cuffs on one of the infantry. In The Silver Bayonet the troops do not all have to come from the same unit. So I decided to go with yellow for one. That way I could potentially use him as a Grenadier or such, and still have it easily recognisable during play.

Redcoats update

While working on the Junior Officer I accidentally snaped off the sword ☹

I have glued it back on with superglue, as it was quite a small surface area. If it breaks again I will need to cut off the whole hand and snip one from a different model I think. I also then worked on highlighting the jacket. I may go one stage lighter on the officer than on the troops, but not sure yet.

Hopefully I may be able to get in some work on them over the coming weekend….

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Cult of Games Member

Always nice to see the Silver Bayonet pulling more players in, great work so far.

A thought for something you could consider to differentiate the Officer from the red coated ranks is to keep his coat scarlet red, whilst the others lean to a more orange red. The better quality cloth in the Officer uniforms held the dye better, whilst the red coats of the rank and file faded pretty quickly.

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