Bob's Black Bulls 11th Armoured Division.
Move 1
Rather than my rambling blow by blow description from the last game I’m going to go for a more Newsreel 50’s BBC narration
So in best newsreel style ( comment on which you prefer.
Over on what is our Eastern front old Jerry our old adversary now brave Allie is attempting to push the Red plague from its Eastern border.
Initial reports have Jerry making probing attacks against the red hordes. An attempt to advance on both flanks has met some resistance and light casualties have been sustained.
From three Soviet prospective:
To arms comrades, our glorious forces have rallied I their might and have rushed forward to ensure the freedom of those we have liberated from racist tyranny, despite light casualties our glorious soldiers rush forward to destroy our liberated Allies lands.
Well that was 2x paragraphs that didn’t say anything, think I’ve got this propaganda thing down pat.
Anyway basically, initially Soviet Dice draws had 2x T54 units moving forward using cover to approach both objectives.
Then German dice meant that the units on the hill reserved dice for possible targets of opportunity.
Still more German dice meant that both the Jagdpanthers and 75mm Panthers attempted to move on the objectives, the Former got a sight on the SU130’s and knocked out oneand bailed another.
I did then pull a red dice and neatly knocked out 2x Jagdpanthers , until as writing this forgot to check range and now realise the shels fell 2″ short!
With all the German dice gone the Soviets made a General advance, losing one SU100 to a hit from the German Command unit.
So Soviets 2 vehicles knocked out but 3 pts for objective 2, which they safely hold!
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