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Bob's Black Bulls 11th Armoured Division.

Bob's Black Bulls 11th Armoured Division.

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German plan (dan na!)

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1st thing is I think I messed up on picking forces, should have gone with gut and gone for cheap and cheeful Tiger 1’s, think I could have got 2x 3 tank companys for cost of shiny Jagdtigers . but oh well !

My thinking on this has developed on this, given numbers think going  for objective 2 only intially is the way to go, as with previous game, can use the wooded hill to dominate the approachs to the objective with the Jagdtigers, moving the 75m panther ands around the sides of the table.

Initally the plan is to move the Jagdpanther into the the buildings around the rail line to shoot at anything moving to objective 1 and to hold the ** panthers back until I know what both objectives are.

Assuming that they are not dummies, plan is tot take objective 2 and only really contest 1 if they can quickly immobolise the Soviets and secure 1.

Its a plan, not saying its a good one!

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