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Bob's Black Bulls 11th Armoured Division.

Bob's Black Bulls 11th Armoured Division.

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Soviet plan (da na!)

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The sound effect is for anyone who watchs those war story documentary’s which do battles , or phaff for 3/4 of an hour on the commanders forces etc, and then do 15 mins if lucky on the battle taking out time for adverts, pre views of post adverts, then re-cap post!

The Soviet plan is easy, steam roller the Germans !

But will consist of two parts.

JS3’s & 1 company of SU 130’s and the smaller co of T54’s will move to secure objective 1 as it is the closest of the objectives ,Deploying the Js3’s and the ISU30’s around the hill , with the T%$’s hiding in the building’s area for possible bacontree of approaching German forces .

The 2nd unit of ISU130’s will move into the farm buildings area and take up position to dominate the central table , with the common unit with them

leaving the larger t54 and SU100’s to move to take up positions around Objective 2

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