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Bob's Black Bulls 11th Armoured Division.

Bob's Black Bulls 11th Armoured Division.

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Next Scenario picked , thats different !

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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  1. Well having shuffled the mission setup and rules cards , I drew them randomly this time ( though why did I think they were going to be identical !) and that was different :
Next Scenario picked , thats different !
Next Scenario picked , thats different !

Shorter game turn , two objectives only , and no reinforcements , so the Soviet corner is going to look a bit con-jested!

Any way I placed the objectives as on the map and put some trucks, etc  for effect!

Next Scenario picked , thats different !
Next Scenario picked , thats different !

Now that put the Tiger in with the Sturmoviks !

1st thing is the corner deployment with the built up area in the middle of the table favours the Soviets as it negates much of the German range advantage, which is good as the reduction of objectivess reduces the Soviet’s ability to stack up points by getting them 1st, Objective 2 is in hilly terrain so defending units can hide  and both have dominating terrain around them.

Now all that needs to put a major monkey rench is for objective 2 to be a dummy, which will be after boths sides has had to allocate and beging to move towards either objective!.

Oh! and forgot to mention rolled for Attacker/Defender

Germans as per narrative are attacking and Soviets defending!

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