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Collins Does a German Winter Offensive

Collins Does a German Winter Offensive

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Im back in the depths of winter

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8
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I took a little sabbatical so that I could complete my MSc research project. I found it a little difficult to complete a full time job doing the work of 2.5 people (the others left and I was ‘gifted’ their workload), carry out a dissertation and have fun. Given I’d spent many thousands on my degree I prioritised that one in my spare time. I have also now given back the other workload at work so my work life balance is better, except I’m now also a new dad again! so the sleep is evasive but the new baby is a cool dude.

Apparently whilst I was away there was a points change FAQ for BA and also a whole new version announced!! what a time to be alive.

where we left off, but with added decals and painted crew!where we left off, but with added decals and painted crew!
all finished vehicles!all finished vehicles!
the smaller 250 halftracks with #112 set up as a mortar half trackthe smaller 250 halftracks with #112 set up as a mortar half track
The smaller 250 halftracks with #112 set up as Herr Leutnant's rideThe smaller 250 halftracks with #112 set up as Herr Leutnant's ride
The larger 251 HalftracksThe larger 251 Halftracks
I think he's trying to decipher where the ark of the covenant isI think he's trying to decipher where the ark of the covenant is
Panzerkampfwagen III Ausf J. conveniently serial numbered '3' so people know when they ask what tank it is, here presented with it's five man dismounted crew.Panzerkampfwagen III Ausf J. conveniently serial numbered '3' so people know when they ask what tank it is, here presented with it's five man dismounted crew.

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