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Carnevale gang by The Dace

Carnevale gang by The Dace

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Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 5
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My favourite mini in the box! The Spatar. She just has a really menacing look about her.

Undercoated in Grey seer

The armour is a gunmetal with a Strongtone wash and highlight up with Bonewhite and White on the highest bits

The hair is orange rust with a wash of Fuegan Orange and highlighted with Bonewhite

Flesh is a pale flesh, with a very small dab of fleshshade, again highlighted with Bonewhite

Eyes were large black circles then slightly smaller white circles with a drop of Blue Ink

Clothing is a mix of Shadow black and love affair red with varying dilutions of paint.

Boots and gloves are a brown leather and again highlighted with Bonewhite

Spatar CarnevaleSpatar Carnevale
Spatar CarnevaleSpatar Carnevale

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