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40K and Sci Fi Projects

40K and Sci Fi Projects

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Star Wars Legion - Coming to an end

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Idea 1
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After much thought - and kinda triggered by the announcment of a new edition of Star Wars Legion - I am considering selling my Starter set and extras. I enjoyed painting them and they are great sculpts but my love for Star Wars has diminished, the minis are always out of stock when I try to buy them and realistically I'm unlikely to get playing a game of SW Legion anytime soon.After much thought - and kinda triggered by the announcment of a new edition of Star Wars Legion - I am considering selling my Starter set and extras. I enjoyed painting them and they are great sculpts but my love for Star Wars has diminished, the minis are always out of stock when I try to buy them and realistically I'm unlikely to get playing a game of SW Legion anytime soon.

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