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2024 Painting Log

2024 Painting Log

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Darth Vader and...Plo Koon?

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Finally, Darth Vader enters the Shatterpoint continuum. This batch of figures wasn’t all that interesting to paint, being as monochromatic as they are, but at least they were quick. I did use blue rather that grey for Vader’s highlights, but the most exciting bits were the Trooper Sergeant’s shoulder pad and Vader’s lightsaber. This is a problem that isn’t going to go away, especially as the game delves further into the classic trilogy, so a challenge will be to start finding ways to make single-color characters more interesting. The characters from Rebels should provide some relief from that, but they almost go too far in the other direction.

This time I did the bases first instead of leaving them for last, which was the right move. When drybrushing the figure it’s a lot easier to avoid “splashing” onto the base (as opposed to the reverse), and it was nice to finish each figure and not have to go “oh wait, I still need to do the base.”

These were done almost entirely with drybrushing over a base color. For the troopers my base coat was a little too light, so I got a chance to experiment with some wash medium that I bought last year but never got around to using. I mixed a warm grey wash to darken them up just a bit, then drybrushed white over that. I used Speedpaint black for the armor gaps and weapons.

I honestly can’t remember why I bought the Lead by Example set — it certainly wasn’t because I wanted to paint more clones. I’m hoping that if they do any more of the prequel-era Jedi Masters for Shatterpoint, they stop putting them in sets with more clone troopers. There is a Jedi Council set coming soon that looks to buck the trend, so here’s hoping.

The clones were done the same way as Vader’s stormtroopers (in fact, I did them first to get the technique down). For the dark grey decorative bits of armor I used Gravelord Grey Speedpaint.

Plo Koon and Ahsoka started out with black primer followed by brown drybrushing, then the usual base color – wash – drybrush. I sometimes think I rely too much on drybrushing, so for Ahsoka I decided to try painting in the shadow areas and highlights, and only drybrushed the green lightsaber glow. I think it looks pretty good, and I did like having more control over where the paint goes. I will probably experiment further with this style on the next batch, especially the Rebels crew.

2024 models painted so far: 144, for 5 different games

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