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BigGrim Does Boarding Actions!

BigGrim Does Boarding Actions!

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First ever attempt at a lighting effect.

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8

Sunday was a day of painting progress. It started with a first time attempt at a basic OSL (Object Source Lighting). It started with stippling GW Grey Seer around all the light fixtures and the power coils. I did the stippling with a small makeup brush.

I then did much more contained, focussed stippling of Pro Acryl Bold Titanium White. The results can be seen below.

While that dried, I dug out the Contract colours I thought I’d use.

Warp Lightning and/or Striking Scorpion Green for computer screen displays.

Flesh Tearers Red for lights and computer screen displays.

Iyandan Yellow for lights.

Aethermantic Blue for the power coils. This turned out to have nearly zero impact and was swapped out for Talassar Blue.


First ever attempt at a lighting effect.

With the colours selected, I started. I stippled Iyandan over half of the lights, then Flesh Tearer over the second half.

I then stippled Aethermantic on the coils. There was practically zero change. I swapped out Talassar Blue and got a much better result.

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Cult of Games Member

I did something similar to my lights, and found I needed a dark wash to make the features of the lights not so stand-out ish. If that makes sense. I think I used Army Painter Dark Tone (my go-to wash).

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