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Klorophil's Infinity armies

Klorophil's Infinity armies

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Tafang for Tag Raid

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3

Hello there!

While I have yet to play a game of Infinity Tag Raid, I nonetheless decided to paint one of the TAGs that were specifically designed for it.

This is the Tafang, a work TAG, or mech since it is not especially designed for combat but rather mining work. Anyways, it is the TAG available to the YuJing backed faction in the game.

It will be part of my entry to the Infinity Painting Contest.

The painting process was pretty straightforward.

I started with a zenithal prime. Then added a good coat of VMC Cavalry Brown. I then slowly highlighted this red brown with yellower paint tones everytime.

For the non-metallic metal. I first put a basecoat of a very light grey and then a coat of Citadel Contrast Black Legion. This created a nice gradient all by itself. I then simply highlighted the brightest spots with ever increasing bluer and brighter grays. The trick is to keep the contrast at 11. I find this method really easy to do and the result is really convincing. It might not work on very flat surfaces and I had a lot of trouble with the two cylinders on the Tafang’s chest.

So that’s where I am right now. I’ll post more pictures of the finished model once it’s done.


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Cult of Games Member

Fabulous looking figures for the game table’s @klorophil. love the step by step paint guide to help other painter’s to help their paint standards. if/when they are struggling to get the finish they are looking for on their game figures.?

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