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Recruiting Resurrectionists

Recruiting Resurrectionists

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The start

Tutoring 1
Skill 6
Idea 5

Two of my close friends have gone in to playing malifaux. Neither are wargamers, but have enjoyed the game but mainly the painting. With brings me to my problem, I love malifaux but the Ten Thunders I play were painted years and years ago and I feel I can do better now, so it’s kind of a fresh start.

Stick with me whilst I go on this random aside. I have too many bits of models kicking around so I offered a friend some resurrectionists nurses I had kicking around. Rather than taking the models he decided to counter it and gave me Mcmourning and some other bits he had spare. I’ve had a soft spot for Resurrectionists so off I go.

The Resurrectionists - Wyrd games The Resurrectionists - Wyrd games

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Christopher SouthwellJeffdaemonish Recent comment authors
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Having dived into the game heavily in the past few months I’m excited to see how this project comes along. Been loving playing the game and burying myself in the lore recently and the community has been nothing but welcoming.

Cult of Games Member

Faux community is the best 🙂

Cult of Games Member

Cool stuff! Might wanna consider Yan Lo if you decide to expand more, since you can play him in Thunders and Ressurs

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