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Bob's Black Bulls 11th Armoured Division.

Bob's Black Bulls 11th Armoured Division.

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Upping the game

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Having played the 1st game am now looking at expanding it upo 100pts
On my Birthday 14th Sept ( just 1st free weekend as Sept is heavy with Birthdays plus post pub visit can be arranged) planning a games day, using table layout to do various Clash of Steel Games, and maybe Stargrave final game. Will up it to 75pts a side. Also will return to standard Initiative to get people used to rules before phaffing with it.

But will be trying a 100 p solo game  game , sticking with everyone vs Soviets, starting with re-equipped German force, facing a revised Soviet Force

The thinking on the Soviets based on partly the narrative from Army guides and 1st game Experience.
Firstly let’s try and Improve the Soviets Range, and Penetration, so more ISU130’S and T54’s.

1x T54-1 4 pts

Command Skill

Major Lightning 3pts

Core Units
6 xT54-1 company 19 pts
5 xT54-1 Company 16 pts
5x ISU-130 Battery 15pts

5x ISU-130 Battery 15pts

6x IS-3 Company   20pts


5x SU100 Battery 8 pts

100  pts

The skill allows a role for 2nd movement of units within command range.

This selection should give a bit more punch but also allow them retain there mobility.




Upping the game



2x Panther 8.8cm     22pts

Skill Resourceful   3pts

Core Units

3x Panther 8.8 cm 18 pts

4x Panther 7.5cm 14 pts

3x Jagdtiger           30pts



3x Jagdpanther 13 pts


You will notice a marked lack of Maus, they suck up a lot of pts but still only have one bang stick.

I decided I needed more than better to stop being Swamped.

It is very Panther orientated,  the 8.8 version gives me same bang as the King Tiger, but with Superior Mobilty plus Accurate.

The Command Skill makes him Concealed if not moving, even if out in open.

Be interesting to see if it works as it Germans with 15 tanks vs Soviets with 33 , so over 2 to 1 numbers can German superior tech overcome Soviet numbers, the age old question .

Upping the game

For those who want a close up of new 88 Panthers.

Upping the game

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